Gunston Hall bridge
USS George Washington CVN-73
Norfolk Naval Base
Empty Dock
On upper superstructure
LCAC with humvee on deck
LCAC inbound
LCAC’S coming in to dock
LCAC racing by
LCAC in dock
LCAC’S in dock
LCAC pilot house
LCAC engine and fan
Sunset May 22 1995
CO gave me the CONN
Flight deck inspection
CH-53 on Deck for medivac
CH-53 Landing on flight deck
Injured crewman, he was crushed in trash compactor
CH-53 Medivac
USS Boxer LHD-4
Flight OPS
Boxer LHD-4 superstructure
Tin Can Sailor Contingency
Signalman USS Franks WWII
Gunners Mate loads CIWS
supply officer
0700 Quarters with the CO
CPO presentation
Manning the 25mm
25 mm Gun
Manning the 25mm
Main Engine room
Halon system
Main Engine
Propeller Shaft
Aboard LCAC Entering NYC Harbor
lCAC’s racing in
Approaching dock on LCAC
Bow on view
Port Quarter
Landing Dock Door
B-2 inbound
B-2 overhead
Kearsage at anchor
Gunston Hall LSD-44
Edson, Slater and Growler Intrepid museum, NYC
Passing Intrepid Fleetweek 1995
Letter recieved from CPO’s of Gunston Hall
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